The Healing Center
For Trauma & Relationships
A New Standard of Therapy & Training
What We Are About
The Healing Center for Trauma & Relationships is all about Living. We are all in the process of change and growth. We provide a safe space to explore and challenge you in finding yourself and empowering you to be who you were created to be. In that journey we ourselves will be learning and growing in order to provide you with the best care possible. Let us join you in your journey of healing.
We exist to meet the needs of our community. Our understanding is that experienced difficulty in marital & family life colors every aspect of our experience. So many of us take the time to invest in different aspects of our health and well being, but our relational/emotional wholeness is left untended. Let us help you as you seek to be healthy in all areas of life!
"Change happens in relationships. We learn who we are what we’re about, & what the world is about through our relationships."
— Teressa Wilcox, Owner & Founder of HCTR
"You can't force a person to change, but you can create an environment in which they could."
— Teressa Wilcox, Owner & Founder of HCTR